This Chocolate Jar Taught Me An Unforgettable Sales Lesson - Sales Ninja Blog

This Chocolate Jar Taught Me An Unforgettable Sales Lesson

I woke up one morning and I was shocked to find the chocolate jar left open. I remembered having it last night before going to bed to my horror I forgot to put the cover back. To make things worse, my house has been infested with ants where who eat anything from rice, sweets to broccoli.

Armed with an insect spray, I stealthily inched closer, my fingers placed strategically on the spray to deal the maximum dose of lethal gas. As my eyes focused on the jar, I realized something really unusual… no ants.

What sort of ant are you?

Sleeping ant

Opportunities are lying around. Just like this chocolate jar, it’s wide open and ripe for the taking but the ants did not find it. Your customers are out there, if you are not getting to them fast enough, the opportunity will just slip away.

The only way to find an opportunity like this is to prospect more. Call the prospects and meet the prospects. They are waiting for you. If you don’t reach them, others will. Get trained in prospecting today.

Judging ant

Could it be a trap? Don’t judge a prospect without probing first. Just like most car salespeople, they judge you even before talking to you. If you want more sales, don’t judge your prospect. Always probe first.

Blind and

Are you hunting for the right person? A blind and walks around aimlessly hoping to find something. A salesperson needs to know who to hunt for and follow up with the person. If you are in B2B, should you be targeting executives, managers, or maybe the directors? Always hunt for the person who makes the decision. That’s the fastest way to get your sales in.

Mute ant

Could the scout ant had already discovered the chocolate but failed to communicate it to his colony? If communication is a problem, everyone loses. This is why unity is important in every company and in our sales team-building training, we always want salespeople to be in good communication with their colleagues.

Aimless ant

Leaders play an important role here. With limited resources and budget, how do you ensure that your sales troops are covering enough ground? Like in this case, a huge sale (chocolate) was missed because no ants were in the area.  If you want your salespeople to produce amazing results, you must have the 10 Shogun Success System to ensure sales results. Find out here

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