This Old Man Humiliated Every Young Guy Around Him - Sales Ninja Blog

This Old Man Humiliated Every Young Guy Around Him

Seen those dance machines in arcades where you need to step on the correct pad according to the music? You might think that it’s a game for young guys with fast reflexes.

This guy just proved everyone wrong.

He is hitting every note with perfect timing…

Without even flinching or being stressed out, he is getting perfect hits and scoring top points in the game. Mind you, it is a fast-paced game and it takes full concentration. Most young guys can’t even keep up.

He could do it because he practiced and he most importantly has passion. If it was his first time, he’ll struggle. He could easily blame it on his age even if he could not do it. And no one will blame him. But no, he rose to the top even with his limitations. In sales, if someone is not performing, it’s easy to blame it on experience, age, or his dog. Those are just excuses.

The best salespeople never give excuses. When they make mistakes, they pick themselves up and learn from it. If your team is constantly giving excuses, maybe it’s time to change their mindset. Does this problem apply to your sales team? Find out how you can change their negative mindset here.

You Can’t Teach Old Dogs New Tricks…

You are an old dog only if you consider yourself to be one. This old guy proved everyone wrong. The crowd gathering around him when he was on the machine could only be watched in amazement. No one dared to challenge him.

In sales, most veteran salespeople think that they are too old to learn new sales techniques. They could just be stubborn. A common response from old sales veterans would be:

“I’ve been doing sales for so many years! I already know everything. Why should I attend sales training??” 

There is no limit in knowledge. You have to learn new techniques every day if you want to be the best. The pride of thinking that you know it all will limit your full potential. That’s why in sales, you need to be constantly learning. You can easily do that by buying books, following our Facebook Page, or reading our free blogs. Markets are evolving, you should too in order to stay at the top.

He is old but he isn’t shy one bit…

The impression of the arcade games is that they are for the young guys. This old man proved everyone wrong again. Not only he is shamelessly playing the arcade game, but he was also actually darn good at it.

In sales, in order to stand out and be the best, you can not be shy. Being shy and scared in sales will get you nowhere.

In sales, don’t be shy when you:

-have to make cold calls
-Go networking in a large crowd
-Cold call a Datuk, Managing Director, or CEO
-Have to defend your products
-Handle customer’s objections

Do your salespeople get scared when they have to cold call a Managing Director? Find out how to eliminate that fear here

You can be old, young or new in sales. Anyone can be the best in sales if they are willing to learn, improve and most importantly take action. The best salespeople do not give excuses when customers do not buy, they learn from it. If your underperforming sales team is always giving negative remarks and giving excuses for their horrible sales performance, it needs to be changed.

Find out how we can miraculously transform yours underperforming sales team’s negative mindset instantly.

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