Motivational Speaker Malaysia - Sales Ninja Blog

Motivational Speaker Malaysia

Are you looking for a Motivational Speaker In Malaysia? Before selecting your speaker, here are some important items you should have in your checklist before engaging a motivational speaker in Malaysia.

Is your motivational speaker:

Good At Conveying His Message Effectively?

A motivational speaker needs to get the audience moving. The only way he can do it is through stage presence. The way he speaks, his tone of voice, and his body language. A good motivational speaker is able to engage the audience and at the same time giving them the courage to move forward.

For Real?

A good speaker who can really touch and motivate the audience is one who has gone through problems and adversities himself and tells how he overcame them. That’s how the audience can relate to him and know that the person on stage has experienced what they are going through now. People love listening to stories especially real-life motivational stories. That’s a genuine motivational speaker.

Speaking Correctly?

You can immediately tell a good speaker and a bad speaker from the way they speak. It is the first impression. Remember how many times you sat in a seminar and started giggling at the way the speaker pronounce a certain word? Things like that distract the audience and switch their mind off to what the speaker has to say.

You also need to look for a speaker who can speak with an authoritative voice and is able to command control over the audience. But, you should be careful of certain speakers who shout uncontrollably, and look like he is trying too hard to be someone he is not. A good speaker is natural on stage and people love hearing what he has to say.

A Leader?

When a speaker goes on stage, everyone looks at him for direction. A natural leader is able to lead the group and has no problems with everyone looking at him for advice and motivation.

A Skillful Person?

Not only does a speaker need to be skillful on stage, but he also needs to be extremely skillful at what he is talking about. If it is sales, has he been the top performer for every company that he has worked for? You need top performers to be talking about real-life experiences to your audience. No one wants a sales speaker who has low sales performance and speaking points directly from a textbook. What you want is a real person who has real achievements who can speak about those experiences and motivate your team.

Sales Ninja Is The Best Choice For You

Grandmaster Hanzo has used f unconventional sales methods in his sales and has been the Number 1 sales performer for every job that he has been in. On top of that, he has also trained professionals from groups of 10 to mesmerizing groups of over 1000 people.

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