Hunting in rough waters - Sales Ninja Blog

Hunting in rough waters.

The economy in Malaysia is already getting tougher with extremely low oil prices, cutting of scholarships, and many more! Malaysia is sailing through rough waters. How would we as a company garnered more Sales Prospects?

Shopping in the heart of Kuala Lumpur made me see something that I don’t usually get to see in Petaling Jaya.

Sales Staff standing outside trying to “lure” people from the streets! Instead of waiting for the customers to go in! They hunt for customers outside.

I stood there a little longer to see their success rate and to my amazement, I noticed that for every 10 people that they managed to pull in, 4 of them actually bought something from the store.

The sales staff did not restrict themselves inside their shop, because there were no customers in their stores they went out and hunt for customers.

Is your sales staff as aggressive as the sales staff in Kuala Lumpur?

If not, you need to turn your Sales Staff into a Hunter! Don’t let them sit around, ask them to go outside and hunt for them!

Does any of these sound familiar to you?

1. Never research before prospecting

Scenario: Your Sales staff, slams the phone and complained that the customers got angry at him because he did not do any research?

Not researching the company is a BIG NO- NO. This only applies to cold calling! Before calling up the company, your salesperson needs to research their prospects and if you did not this will piss the prospects. This is bad!

Hence it is important to always know which industry your customers are from and relate it to what you are selling.

Solution: Research before cold – calling to avoid embarrassment and unnecessary chatters!

2. Never follow through properly

Scenario: You asked your sales staff what is the latest update on that account, he “shrugs his shoulder” and says: “I don’t know!”

You asked him to call the customers, within five minutes your sales staff puts down the phone and say “Oh, they found another distributor”

 Following up is one of the reasons why salespeople close their sales! Of course, not many sales staff do it because they just wait for the prospect to come to them, and they lost that sale because they didn’t follow up.

Calling them every day would be annoying but there is a technique to use to follow up with your prospects. Find out a technique that will not bug your prospects!

Solution: Encourage them to call their existing clients to follow up if there is anything that needs to be done with incentives! Reward them for every successful follow up. 

3.  Not prospecting on a daily basis

Scenario: You set up a timetable for your sales staff to call, but they are not doing it. They gave up on the first few tries and just browse through Facebook, NOT doing sales! They complained that they don’t have the courage, experience & knowledge to cold call!

Prospecting on a daily basis gives your sales staff the experience they need. Similarly, if they only prospect once a week, they will not have the experience or the confidence to move further. Making a habit to talk/cold-call people will provide your sales staff the experience and knowledge to handle objections.

Solution: Once they are confident in following up and noticed that the number of sales increased, you can start asking them to cold calling, there is no easy way to put it, to learn is to start making mistakes. Once they break free of that mentality then cold-calling and following up is second nature.

How do you push your sales staff out of their comfort zone and let them hunt for prospects?

If you don’t succeed, send them to training! AND LEARN FROM THE BEST! A training course that will coach, guide you on how to cold call and doing it live with you!

This is one of the only sales training course that is 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF THERE ARE NO RESULTS.

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