Why Electronic Manufacturers Are Selling Short - Sales Ninja Blog

Why Electronic Manufacturers Are Selling Short

Everyone company needs sales including manufacturers. The only problem is that dealers are buying either little from your factory or they are buying just the cheaper products compared to the higher-quality ones.

It is no secret that dealers are thrifty, and it is the duty of the channel managers to be as diligent and confrontational as possible. Today, we will address the common issues for manufacturers that sell through dealers.

Selling Low-end Products

For some channel managers, the hassle of selling high-quality products or looking out for new prospects is a little daunting. It’s much easier to just sell the fastest selling products instead of customizing an order for a more expensive one.

It is also worth noting that it is less tiring for channel managers to come up with new contracts instead of just reusing the old ones.

Order Taking

Channel managers can often be complacent in their work due to orders continuously coming in. In this technological and digital age, orders for new parts and equipment are so constant that channel managers don’t have to look out for new dealers.

Which leads them to become too used to selling out less and just take orders upon inquiry. It is not a habit of laziness, but it develops a very comfortable zone.

Passive Activity

Every salesperson must be proactive and constantly on the move to look for new prospects. Channel managers in the electronic manufacturing line sometimes don’t do this and often give in the passiveness of retaining current dealers.

This can be due to many reasons such as piling orders or a long processing time for current orders, but this can lead to inactivity when looking for new dealers to sell to.

Stiff Competition

You are not the only manufacturer of electronics and they will throw price after price against you. One of the mistakes channel managers do is that they are not selling the values of their product/services but instead would go into a price war.

Selling value isn’t difficult but only needs additional convincing power and confidence in the product. One of the reasons why your factory may not be selling out as much is due to price comparison and without selling value, no price is worth the pay.

Lack of Cross-Selling

As per the 1st point, selling fast-selling products means that there is little cross-selling of alternative products. When you do not cross-sell other products to sell out, you are closing in your own sales channels and diminishing your own interest as future dealers see you lack options.

Whatever is produced can be sold but it is up to the channel manager to sell them all. Failure to do so means that they either lack the will or the skill to do it.

Electronic Dealership Training

Whether you are a manufacturer doing customized design in electronics, or doing OEMs, or distributing through dealers, Sales Ninja knows the perfect strategy for negotiation and selling values over price. With our program, we can help you to:

  • HOW to push VALUE over PRICE
  • HOW to negotiate for better terms
  • HOW to provide better aftersales service
  • HOW to sell benefits more than product

Click HERE to contact us and our Senior Solutions Manager will contact you for a fully customized solution!

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