Why Companies Hire & Retain Bad Sales Managers

We have all heard or read the statistics that even the best companies in the world hire bad managers. By 80%, the number of bad managers outweighs the good ones. Reports from mismanagement, micromanagement, pointless informal meetings, unnecessary long working hours, and even harassment!

But despite all this, why is it that some companies still retain these bad managers or even hire them? Sales is one of the heaviest departments in any company to be handled with, thus, the leadership and management of sales must be tight, but it doesn’t mean it must be brutal. In this article, Sales Ninja will share why many companies hire and retain bad sales managers and what you can do to evade similar problems.

Why Hire?

This would depend on what type of company you are working for. Typically, MNCs have a very strict working culture. Especially the sales where the revenue is generated from, the management and leadership are brutal, strict, and highly result-oriented.

In sales, a manager, regardless of how badly they were regarded from their previous employment; if their numbers were good or beyond impressive, will be hired. But not just their previous results but also the methods they bring along with them that generate further results.

Sales Work Culture

In most cases, money is all that matters for big companies. SMEs are much more tolerable because their sales are not in the millions and they are striving to grow hence why the sales management is not as strict.

When that much money is garnered annually, speed and productivity would definitely be the king of factors. The sales culture of MNCs demands unfaltering work and skills which normally would mean high levels of stress and fierce competition.

For sales managers, they need to have the iron grit to ensure that no matter what, the job gets done. Even if it means ignoring the livelihood of the staff.

Shadow of Bad Bosses

The work culture of big companies can play a major part in the sales operations. In MNCs, no matter what position you are in be it senior manager or even the chief officer, you are being paid a basic. Meaning that you have instructions, strict SOPs, KPIs, and many different kinds of targets.

It doesn’t take long before the toxicity seeps in and everyone will be affected from top to bottom. The bosses will definitely want things done fast and effectively. Hence, the senior and mid-level managers will be executioners of the bosses on top.

Sales Leadership Training

Managers will someday become leaders and to change leadership needs to start from the bottom. Everyone believes that managers are just the middlemen of the upper management and the operations.

Just as bad managers reflect bad leadership, well-trained managers can become well-trained leaders and they can lead the company into a prosperous future. It all begins with transformation, mindset change, motivation, and the right skill-sets.

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