Total Bill RM 189 – Sir get RM 50 off when your spending total is RM 250 - Sales Ninja Blog

Total Bill: RM 189 – Sir, get RM 50 off when your spending total is RM 250

What did I do next?

Of course, my bill ends up being RM250!

Who on earth would want to miss out on such a good deal????

Now, I personally don’t spend much on clothing but when I do, I spend it on something of better quality. It lasts longer and I feel extremely comfortable wearing it!

My point is….

Every customer that you’ve met? That could be the last time that you see them, or at the very least, it’ll take some time before they return again.

Does RM 300/night stay at the hotel? Sir, for just another RM 50/night, we are upgrading your room to our Executive Suite with an ocean view and a complimentary breakfast!

RM 50 for a car wash? Boss! For just an extra RM 5, I am adding a special coating to the car wash liquid which will ensure that your car will be dirt-free for an extra 2 weeks compared to normal!


I am going to make a rough estimate but I can be sure that 50% of the people who are offered the deal will take it!

What does it take?

You just need to ask! All the salesperson at the clothing store did was ask me if I would like to get an additional RM 50 off if only I spend just a little bit more.


ABC = Always Be Closing!

Upselling can be done in every industry! Don’t tell yourself that it can’t be done.

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