Best Negotiation Skills Training In Malaysia - Sales Ninja Blog

Best Negotiation Skills Training In Malaysia

Hi Friend,

Are you looking for the Best Negotiation Skills training that will help you close your next deal without feeling like a loser where you are forced to give in to your buyer’s EXTREME Demands because they keep Threatening to buy from your Competitors?

Thousands of companies and businesses out there are struggling and on the edge of being bankrupt because they are not generating enough profits. Their salespeople could be closing lots of sales but if they are giving ridiculous amounts of discounts just to close sales, the company is just probably selling at COST PRICE.

At the end of the day, buyer wins and businesses suffer.

What if Sales Ninja can turn around your Negotiation for you where you are able to sell at a higher price than your competitors but yet close the sale without giving any discounts…

The problem with most negotiations…

“Boss, the buyer wants 40% discount or they will buy from the competitors…Approve? 

Very common and yet bosses are also forced to approve just to hit sales number. But companies lose out on profits and salespeople leave the meeting feeling cheated on such a bad deal.

Many companies that contacted us reveal that they always try not to give any discounts but when buyers start comparing prices, threatening, demanding, and giving empty future promises, they have no choice but to give discounts just to close that sale. Companies are trying to sell their products at full price but when they do, customers leave without buying…

So most companies reluctantly give huge discounts just to close sales and hope to get future deals with the customer…

Negotiation is not about negotiating on how much discounts to give…

Salespeople feel that buyers will move to their competitors if the salespeople can not give in to the buyer’s price. In Sales Ninja, we have trained hundreds of salespeople to NEVER give discounts but yet close the sale faster than their competitors.

Our participants are trained to avoid price wars by avoiding talks about discounts and still sell at a high price. But this does not mean ignoring your buyers

“Avoiding price wars does NOT mean ignoring or changing the topic when buyers ask for discounts. You handle that but still sell at full price. And customers Buy!

What if you or your salespeople Can do this in the next 2 days…

What if in the next meeting with your clients, when they start slamming your price, your salespeople can be calm and confident to hold the price and yet convince the buyer why they MUST pay at this price!

Imagine how much the company can make when you and your salespeople are able to convince the buyer to be HAPPY at paying full price

In a few moments, Sales Ninja will reveal to you the techniques that we personally use to close deals faster than our competitors and yet selling at a higher price than them.

It’s not impossible, your salespeople CAN do it in just 2 DAYS!

How to Win and Defeat that aggressive buyer in your next negotiation battle…

The techniques that Sales Ninja will give you will transform your sales numbers Dramatically. You’ll be closing more deals at full price and yet customers will return to you again for more. In short, you’ll be making more profits than your competitors who are only good at throwing prices.

Get the Sales Ninja PDF for FREE below and here’s what you’ll get in the PDF

Best Negotiation Skills Training In Malaysia -1 - Sales Ninja Blog

  • Why are the Sales Ninja TACTICS so Powerful for your next sales negotiation!
  • Training for salespeople on how to handle EXTREMELY tough negotiations!
  • Testimonials of Real participants who used our negotiation techniques and closed HUGE deals!
  • FREE Live consultation with Sales Ninja (limited to 2 a day)
  • and many more!

Warning: This PDF is NOT for salespeople looking for basic negotiation techniques. The techniques that Sales Ninja is going to reveal to you are Advanced Negotiation techniques that are able to mind control the buyers into believing that they DO NOT WANT the discounts but the buyers choose to pay full price for them. These techniques have helped turn around hundreds of companies to Over-Achieve their sales targets within weeks.

Get the Sales Ninja TACTICS PDF for FREE by clicking on the link below.

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