These lessons are so sales oriented I’m shocked how it can relate - Sales Ninja Blog

These lessons are so sales oriented I’m shocked how it can relate!

What I Learned Speeding To Kuantan & Back Earlier Today

Audi vs BMW 3 series

He was speeding in front of me at a pretty similar speed. After 15 minutes he eventually moved aside for me to pass.

Lesson: sales is an endurance game, no matter how fast you think you are, there is always someone who wants to overtake you and take your customers.

Audi vs BMW X3

He didn’t see my multiple flashes, right signal, and even horn. Or he chose to ignore it. This is truly an obstacle. I had to swerve to the left to overtake him.

Lesson: there is always an obstacle in front of you. Move around it and not stay behind it. And once we are past the obstacle, no point complaining, move on to the direction we are heading to.

Audi vs Merz C Class

He saw me speeding and chased after me never once managed to overtake me. After multiple trials, he gave up. I looked back at my rear mirror and I can see him slowing down and eventually not visible at all.

Lesson: you must never give up. However, with your perseverance and persistence, you can make your competitors give up. But if you want to win, never give up.

Audi vs Porsche Cayenne

Finally, I meet my match! A 4.0 turbo monster. I was going at 200km/h and this guy just went past me. I kept chasing never took my legs off the accelerator but can hardly catch up on straight roads. Fortunately, this guy slows down dramatically during wide and long corners giving me a chance to shorten our distance. After a while, this guy too slowed down and I overtook him.

Lesson: Sales Ninjas must seize opportunities when facing large competitors even it’s risky, despite being unconventional.

And know this…
Sales Ninjas never give up.
And that’s how you win the race of sales and become the king of the road.

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Written by :

Hanzo Ng, Grandmaster of Sales Ninja Group.

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