Whatsapp is a messaging app that is secretly taking over the sales world by storm. A messaging app that gets you instant results, potential clients’ responses, and a good follow up!

Those that are not using it are losing out tremendously because this app is the next best thing to emails!

As a salesperson, we tend to take things for granted or overlooked important and affordable tools to communicate with prospects.

But WhatsApp-ing is a work of art that needs skills, tremendous follow-up, and a thick face to say the least! (But don’t all salespeople need a thick face?)

Here is how you can use Whatsapp to its fullest potential!

1. Learn to use the broadcast list

This item is a gem in Whatsapp, it allows you to blast a message to several friends in your selected friend list. So you can include, “Potentials”, “Warm Leads” and etc.  This way you will get to reach the right targeted customers with the right message. (provided that you already have their number on your phone.)

2. Send greetings as a reminder

Apart from sending holiday greetings to your friends and family, why not send holiday greetings to your prospects as well. It can be as easy as attaching a video or an image. This can be a gentle reminder to your prospects and it can be a good conversation starter as well.

3. Follow up with added value service

The coolest thing about Whatsapp is the ability to follow up with potential clients on the spot! I remember Grandmaster telling the sales lads that he has just been informed of training opportunities in June/July via Whatsapp.

Grandmaster texted “Around your office, meeting up with Company X for a Sales Training Meeting, any interest in training?”

Client reply “Good timing, was just out of a meeting with the boss in regards to training somewhere around June/July!”

This means that we were the first in line to find out about a training opportunity for that company! You can do that to your previous clients or potential clients. So if you are near your client’s office or around that area, just give them a Whatsapp text you might be surprised!

4. Ask tough questions to get an instant response

Emails are slow! Some people just stop reading emails. Emails get lost between spam and importance. With Whatsapp, you can ask the tough question and get an immediate response whether or not they are interested, you can also see if the person has read your WhatsApp text message! Talk about #stalkeralert

5. Send PDF, or website details to prospects

Whatsapp allows you to send PDF files or website links! Useful for salespeople because Whatsapp is transforming itself into a business platform. No longer do you need to send PDFs via email or even a screenshot of the PDFs to your prospects/clients, that means they get the instant click and readily available information!

This will enable them to be able to read or pass the information to the rightful person via Whatsapp too.

6. You’ll get instant notification wherever you are

Afraid you will miss that golden opportunity while you are outstation? Whatsapp is available everywhere and anywhere unless you don’t have an internet connection. but even if there is no internet connection at that place or time, you can still receive texts once it’s available!

That means you will still receive notification and you can provide feedback to them immediately! You do not need to load up your messages like an email. Just listen to the sound of that Whatsapp ring!

Maximize the use of Whatsapp! 

With all that said and done with how you can maximize the use of Whatsapp, the crucial factor is still the skills of the salesperson. It is important to know how to ask the right question to get the right answer or do you know when to probe further.

Regardless of the change in the way you communicate with your prospects/clients. The important thing is the right skill sets you need to have to be able to pull it off as one of the best salespeople in your company!

What better way to hone your sales skills than to attend a Sales Ninja Master program?

This MASTER program is all about the ART and SCIENCE OF SELLING! This is the go-to training!