Choosing the right Sales Training Company is a tough choice.

The idea that these sales training companies are selling to sellers is just appalling! What can these sales training companies teach that sellers don’t already know?

Well, there is a variety of selling skills that even veterans aren’t aware of, and selling skills that throw sellers off! It all depends on what you are looking for.

At the end of the day, choosing the right Sales Training Company will assist and boost your sales team to the next level, ergo, it is all about the results!

Does your potential sales training company has all of the below?

1 Aligning your needs.

Align of your sales needs and the training is crucial. So that you can benefit the most. In all other instances, if the training program does not fit your needs. Then, the training will be pretty useless.

2 Customized programs.

You need to find a training company that fits all your training needs! Say you want something along the line of mindset motivationcold calling, and negotiation. Can they do that? What about fitting in the content to your industry because honestly, generic training isn’t for everyone!

3 Usable Content

Customized programs are important but what’s the point if the content is not usable? Usable content means bringing home the workbook & ideas after the training and easily applying it in your line of work the next day!

4 Experience trainers

In sales, it’s all about the experience! You can have a trainer that talks about the theory of sales but never even used one of the theories that he preached?

Finding an experienced trainer who’s from a sales background with years of experience will give you the best practical information that is based on his trial and error. Meaning you are learning all of the success stories from the best!

5 Track Records

Track records or testimonials is what every sales training boasts about. Of course, Not one training company can confirm that 100% of the positive sales results are due to their training but it is one of the factors, external factors such as the drop in prices or even promotional seasons that helped pushed the sales up.

Ask them for their success stories or even better yet call their referrals to find out more on how that training helped their company grow!

What? You haven’t found any sales training company that has all the 5 traits?

Well, you’re in luck! Sales Ninja is the one for you. We are not a Sales Training Company, we are a Sales Solution Company! That means we address your pains, your issues, and requirements and we provide the right training for your sales staff that will allow you to reach your ROI!


Since you’ve read all the way to the end.

Read This Before Choosing Any Sales Training Company - 1 - Sales Ninja Blog