Wake Up With The Power & Life Motivation



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wake up with the power & life motivation

Every morning presents a choice: to rise with purpose or simply start the day. But starting your day can be tough sometimes, especially on mornings when you’re tired, sore, or just not in the mood to do anything. It’s common to wake up with thoughts like, “I’m so tired, I need more sleep,” or “Oh no, I’m late!”. But, why start your days so pessimistically? Why not try to change your mindset early in your day so that the rest of it is amazing? The key to transforming ordinary mornings into extraordinary ones lies in resetting your mind with ‘Life Motivation.’ 

The essence of life motivation is waking up with a drive that propels you forward, compelling you to embrace challenges and seize opportunities with enthusiasm. Take for example the “YET” board by the Orton Gillingham Online Academy – they’re starting to teach our younger counterparts how to turn negative occurrences into positive ones. Let’s follow their example and start early! Here are some ideas for you to wake up with power and motivation instead of being disempowered and demotivated.

Jump Start Your Morning

Every single day when you wake up, you’ve got two options: you can look at the clock and hit the snooze, or you can look at that snooze button, boom, you can hit it and go back to bed and dream about what you want to have. Or, you can look at that snooze button, kick that clock, and get up and go pursue your dreams.

jump start your morning

It is a tough task at first, but a really good alternative to ‘reprogram’ the mind instead of programming it to ‘snooze’ the alarm. 

But….do you think that psyching yourself up is weird? Yes, it is – but it beats the lame, unmotivated mantras of  “Oh I’ve got to work”, “Oh… I’m so tired”, “Oh… How I wish today were Sunday…”  

So tomorrow, when you wake up, immediately jump out of bed and say Yes! What’s better than to charge the brain with great enthusiasm when you wake up?


Stretching is one of the simplest and most effective ways to kickstart your day. Think about it—when you’ve just woken up, your body has been at rest for hours. A quick stretch right after you wake up, and a long stretch when you get out of bed helps. It’s like waking up your muscles and saying, “Hey, it’s time to start the day!” Just 5 minutes will get the blood circulating.

Stretching helps with circulation clears your mind and sets a positive tone for the day.

Drink water! Rehydrate, Revitalize, and Rise with Energy!

We are dehydrated when we sleep and that makes us even more tired when we wake up. Drinking water first thing in the morning gives our body a quick and easy way to rehydrate, which can help us feel more awake and alert.

Heard of water therapy? It’s a form of therapy where you drink 1 liter of water when you wake up to detox the body. Drinking that much water at once can make you feel sick if you’re not used to it. If that’s the case for you, start with just a glass of water. Even that small amount can make a noticeable difference in how you feel.

Focus on your goals! 

I was a top sales performer in my early twenties. One of my daily routines was that when I woke up, I looked ahead at my goals (I plastered an A4 sheet of paper in front of my bed with my goals written on it) and read it out loud with emotions. It’s a good feeling to motivate yourself and remind yourself why you are working so hard and why you are getting out of bed. I stopped doing this for a while but I’ve started up again. The goal is to transform Sales Ninja into a global sales training franchise. It has already happened, but we will always reach for more. 

focus on your goals

Think And Visualize Success!

It’s easy to get caught up in the routine of daily life, but starting your day by focusing on your goals can set a positive tone. Ask yourself: What are the most important things I need to accomplish today? Why do they matter to me? Use effective visualization techniques by picturing yourself finishing a task or reaching a milestone—it can give you the boost you need to start your day with purpose. This practice not only enhances your life motivation but also aligns your mindset with success.

think & visualize success

Use Music to Elevate Your Mood

Pump yourself up with great music.  Music has a profound impact on our emotions. So, why not make it a morning ritual? Don’t put on sad, mournful, break-up songs that might drag you down. Put on a trance or some motivational or inspirational morning music that will move you to action. 

wake up with the power & life motivation

Say I Love You! Say it to your spouse. I’m sure she/he will feel fantastic.


My friend Raymond is a regular meditator in the morning. It helps clear the mind of unwanted thoughts to prepare for the day. And don’t worry if you’re new to meditation—there’s no need to sit for hours in silence. Even just a few minutes can make a big difference. The key is to find a practice that works for you and stick with it. Over time, you’ll notice how much more centered and motivated you feel, ready to tackle the day ahead with clarity and confidence.

Count your blessings! 

Typically done at night, why not try it in the morning? Reflecting on what you’re grateful for can shift your focus from what’s missing in your life to what’s abundant. 

Think about the small things—like the comfort of your bed, the warmth of the sun, or even the fact that you have another day to pursue your goals. This simple practice can set a positive tone for your day —shift your focus from lack to abundance, and amplify your life motivation.


Yes, that’s right – when you wake up. Long ago – I can’t remember if it’s Brian Tracy or Denis Waitley or Zig Ziglar (the legends) who said this –  and I did it when I was selling and boy, it’s been good nutrition for the mind.

Stay away from the TV/radio! 

Don’t pollute the mind with bad news. Avoiding negative media/news keeps our thoughts clear and positive. If possible, put on great stuff in the car on the way to work. I don’t have songs in my car – it’s filled with personal development podcasts. If my mind is jammed, I put on trance music to loosen it. I’ve turned my car into a moving university, and I’ve learned so much while traveling. What good will music do when traveling? Listen to it when you are home, during work, and listen to ideas.

wake up with the power and life motivation

Do not do this all at once. It won’t happen and it’s not sustainable. Take baby steps by changing your pessimistic outlook by adding the word “yet”. Start today and let life motivation guide you toward a more vibrant, fulfilling life. Your mornings—and your life—will thank you for it.

For more insights and strategies to elevate your personal and professional growth, follow me on LinkedIn or contact Sales Ninja for direct training. Let’s take your skills to the next level!

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