With a net worth of USD$4.5 Billion, as of 7th April 2016, Businessman mogul turned US Presidential candidate for the up and coming US Presidential election this year!

As a Republican Nominee, he raised a number of controversial campaigns such as the suggestion of building a wall to keep illegal Mexican immigrants away from the U.S, alienating female voters by insulting Republic Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina’s Looks, and more.

Politics aside, This blog will focus on how Donald Trump sell himself to the American public and how he persists on and now is a running nominee for the Republican Presidential Candidate.

One needs to note, running a company and running a country are two different things! And Mr. Trump understands that! He hired a campaign manager to run all his campaigns! The campaign manager then focuses on his strength and what America (according to them) needed most.

A campaign manager is like a coach per se! They tell you what works and what doesn’t. Moreover, a coach is able to train you to expand your capabilities, improve your skills and make you better.


Continue Learning

Having a coach forces you to continue learning. A coach is hired because he knows more than you in a particular area. When you are trained under him, you learn.

Learn From The Best

In order to improve, you need to learn from the best. Learning from someone who is on par with you is not an improvement. To improve your skills and techniques, you need to learn from someone better, have more experience, and have better techniques than you. That way, you will get his ‘secrets’ to be the best!


When you are training under a coach, you need discipline. You will learn to be on time, practice when told to, make mistakes and know how to correct them, and much more. Without the discipline to want to improve, you will never learn anything. That’s why a coach is important. Whenever you make a mistake, he will correct you and he will keep you focused.

Practice And Role Plays

The best training is one that gives lots of practice and role-plays. This is to simulate a real-life situation. Learning theories will not make you the best. For example, learning theories like the rules and regulations, techniques, and strategies of playing badminton will not make you a good badminton player. But, learning the theories and practicing them in the court will.

Learning about sales theories and techniques in class is not enough. Without effective role plays, going out there to meet nasty clients will get you all stressed up and you won’t know how to apply those techniques.

Needless to say, if one of the richest people in the world needed a campaign manager to make him better, we as regular salesman need that help too!

Sales Ninja Is Your Coach

If you are looking for a sales coach, Sales Ninja is your best choice.

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