Has this ever happened to you? You are driving down the road and you are about to reach a traffic light, it turns red you stop. Next traffic light, red. Next one, red. Next one red. Read all the way and you are kinda pissed. Sound familiar? Well, I had a good morning today, every light I reach turns green or is already green. How nice would be if everything in our business or lives always turns green or is already green? Everything just goes smoothly and nicely. Every prospect we call grants us a meetup. Every prospect we see turns into a customer and every customer we have gives us referrals. But life doesn’t happen that way does it? We have red lights once a while and we just have to deal with it. So be ok with problems, challenges, or obstacles, it’s just part of life.

Sales Ninja Grandmaster

© 2009 Sales Ninja Training. All Rights Reserved.

Hanzo Ng is Sales Ninja Grandmaster, lingo for Chief Trainer of Sales Ninja Training, Asia’s #1 Unconventional Sales Training. Sales Ninja Training specializes in helping small-medium, listed and global companies transform their salespeople into the ultimate sales professional known as Sales Ninja. For more information on our sales, motivation, and leadership training, visit our website.

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